Classes of membership and costs
Annual membership fees, preferably paid by standing order or direct debit, are:
Type | Desc | Cost |
Full | Current holders of BTO ‘C’ or ‘A’ permit. | £25 |
Trainee | Holders of BTO ‘Trainee’ permit. | £15 |
Associate | ‘Helpers’, non-ringers or ringers that wish to continue supporting CVRS who will rarely if ever ring at CVRS. | £15 |
Honorary | May only be offered by the Secretary following unanimous agreement of the Committee and approval at an Annual General Meeting. | Free |
How to apply
Membership is by invitation, subject to completion of a membership application form and approval of the Committee. The Committee may refuse membership without giving any reason.
In addition, there is a daily Hut Fee of £4 payable by anyone attending a mist netting session, or ringing, whether a member or not.