
The objectives of the Chew Valley Ringing Station (CVRS) shall comprise:


Membership is by invitation, subject to completion of a membership application form and approval of the Committee. The Committee may refuse membership without giving any reason.

Classes of membership shall be:

Honorary membership may only be offered by the Secretary following unanimous agreement of the Committee and approval at an Annual General Meeting.

When an application for trainee membership or permit upgrade is being considered, the trainer responsible shall consult the Committee and other trainers before making any recommendation.

All communications to members will be by email unless the member has specifically requested communications to be sent by post. All members are responsible for providing the Secretary with details of any changes to their contact details or ringing permits.

Where the Committee has been unable to make contact with an Honorary Member for a six months period it may terminate such membership at the next AGM. Any member who, in the opinion of the Committee, has acted against the interests of CVRS or the BTO or bird conservation generally or whose subscription is more than three months in arrears may have their membership immediately suspended or terminated upon notice by the Secretary.

No member may correspond on behalf of CVRS without having first obtained permission in writing from an Officer, to have been approved at a Committee meeting. All such correspondence sent or received by that member is to be copied to the Secretary within ten days of being sent or received if required by the Secretary.


Full, Associate and Trainee members shall pay an annual subscription on the first day of January each year. The levels of annual subscriptions are to be reviewed at the AGM and decided by a simple majority vote. Any member whose subscription is in arrears shall forfeit all membership rights until paid in full. 


The Committee comprises the following Officers who must be Full Members of CVRS:

The Officers shall retire annually but will be eligible for re-election at the AGM. Other members of CVRS from any category of membership may be co-opted by a 75% majority vote of the Officers. Such co-opted members may participate at meetings but may not vote at Committee meetings.

The Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day running of CVRS and may take such decisions as it considers necessary for that purpose.

Regular Committee meetings and/or telephone or virtual conferences may be held at such times and places as the Committee shall determine. A quorum shall be at least three of the Officers (or two Officers is there is one or more vacancy). The Chairman will hold the casting vote.

If an Officer resigns during the course of a year the remaining Officers may co-opt a full member of CVRS until the next AGM. If two or more Officers resign during the course of a year the Chairman (or, if the Chairman resigns, any other remaining Committee member) shall call for an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held for re-election of the entire Committee.


All monies are to be banked in the name of CVRS. Withdrawals by cheque are to be signed by two of three signatories. These signatories to be the Treasurer and two other Officers.

The Treasurer is to produce an Annual Income and Expenditure Account for approval at each AGM.

Membership meetings

Meetings open to all members are to be held at least three times a year. The first meeting of each year is to be the Annual General Meeting (AGM). A quorum for the AGM is at least 25% of full members. A quorum for other meetings is 25% of full members or six in number (whichever is the lesser).

Additions and changes to the constitution require two-thirds majority of those members present at a meeting. At least two weeks’ notice of any change is to be given to full members. 

An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened within thirty days if the Chairman receives a written request for such a meeting. The request must be signed by at least 33% of full members.

Only paid-up Full members may vote at an AGM or an EGM. Full members may give their proxy vote to the Chairman, in writing by letter or email only, on any matter at any meeting. 

Any proposal to wind up CVRS must be agreed at an EGM. A decision regarding disposal of assets is to be agreed by members attending the EGM. 


The ringing station at Herriot's Bridge is to be used primarily as a laboratory for supporting the objectives of CVRS. Ringers and Trainees are always to have priority over Associates and casual visitors.

When present at the Ringing Station or any property at CVL belonging to the Owners (currently Bristol Water) all members must adhere to any instructions issued by the BTO, the Owners or contained in rules or meeting minutes of CVRS or given by any CVRS Officer.


Occasional reports may be published, either privately by CVRS or in an appropriate journal.

No member may publish any paper, article, book, programme, film or other form of communication in any format involving CVRS's name and/or data without acknowledging CVRS in the publication and having obtained prior permission in writing from an Officer. Any such permission is to be approved at a Committee meeting.