What we offer

If you are interested in becoming a ringer then we can provide some ‘taster’ sessions where you could come along to observe what goes on. Contact us for further details.

Time was CVRS had a surfeit of trainers that could accommodate more or less all requests from applicants for a trainer. Nowadays a qualified trainer based at CVRS is a scarce resource so only a limited number of trainees can be taken on at any one time.

However, if you are interested in becoming a trainee and can get signed up with a trainer elsewhere CVRS can provide training that will be in addition to that provided by your nominated trainer. This would be by experienced CVRS ringers that do not necessarily themselves hold a training endorsement on their licence. It is also dependent upon there being a suitable ratio of experienced ringers to trainees present at a ringing session.

To find a trainer as well as much more about training to ring go to the BTO web site at Training to ring | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology. This will explain how to access the Find-a-Trainer map. Any CVRS based trainer that can currently take on trainees will feature on this map.