There are a variety of tasks that active members are expected to help out with in order to keep the ringing station running.
Habitat management mainly consists of controlling the ever encroaching willows and brambles. Primarily an autumn/winter activity, individuals can tackle a bit when convenient, but group work mornings for members are sometimes arranged in advance. From time to time we get outside help from groups of volunteers that require supervision. Net lanes need to be trimmed just before the commencement of CES, and before the nesting season starts access paths to nest boxes need to be cleared. From time to time Bristol Water undertakes some heavy duty tree clearance and clears patches of reeds in order to rejuvenate the reed beds.
The outside of the ringing hut needs to be painted once every few years. The inside of the hut needs to be kept reasonably clean and tidy, and there are the inevitable DIY fixes required from time to time. Maintenance of the ringing station garden is fairly minimal but does include mowing the grassed areas.